NFSbug bug and httpd problems

Dr. Frederick B. Cohen (
Wed, 15 Mar 1995 06:12:45 -0500 (EST)

There's good news and bad news...

I have been using nfsbug to detect remotely mountable file systems in
our network vulnerability tests, and some users have noticed that
sometimes nfsbug claims that it failed to mount file systems, and yet
the showmount command claims that has those very systems
mounted.  Could it be that there's a bug in nfsbug?

Apparently the USE_LOCAL_FILE error code in httpd is triggered by some
browsers and not by others when looking for the root of the WWW tree on
a server.  The cause of the infinite loops detected earlier was the
replacement of this error return with the redirect return used to
prevent errors resulting in the requirement for users to press another
button.  Once returned to original condition, the error has not